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Fill out our Contact Form to indicate which service you're interested in. 


For hikes we book an initial "Meet & Greet" to assess whether your dog is a fit for off leash group hikes. Once you join our pack you can login to our site to schedule your hikes. You can book as little or as many hikes as you desire. We will make arrangements to pick up your dog from your home. 


*For hikes all dogs must be socialized and vaccinated.


Hike Schedule

Currently we are scheduling one mid-day hike daily Monday through Friday. 


The schedule will remain flexible due to weather etc. Expect us to pick your dog up between 11-1pm, hike between 11:30-2:30pm, and drop-off between 1-3pm. Your dog will be out with us for a maximum of 2 hours depending on the size of the pack that day. Packs will be limited to 5 dogs per hike.


One thing that makes Unleashed unique is that we try to hike off the beaten path. We will remain on off-leash sites in the river valley, but we aim to keep our pack on its own. We hike in Wolf Willow Ravine.

Universal Recall

We will provide dog specific whistles and a training protocol for whistle recall to ensure that all dogs return to their pack if they get too far. 


Temperature Adjustments

We hike rain or shine! Under extreme weather conditions however hikes will be cancelled. You know your dog best, so please book hikes according to your dog's temperature tolerance.

Winter Temperature Adjustments:

  • up to -15C: ~1 hour walks

  • -15C to -20C: ~45-min walks

  • -20C to -25C: ~30-min walks

  • Colder than -25C: cancelled

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